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2025年3月份最新 【新界葵涌麗祖路1至5號||| 念祖街2及3號||| 榮祖街2至6號祖堯邨 】寬頻覆蓋、報價及5G寬頻網絡接收等資訊,請立即聯絡我們的專員取得最新的Plan及優惠價格。
新界葵涌麗祖路1至5號||| 念祖街2及3號||| 榮祖街2至6號祖堯邨
Hong Kong English Address:
Cho Yiu Chuen 1-5 Lai Cho Road ||| 2 & 3 Lim Cho Street ||| 2-6 Wing Cho Street, Kwai Chung, New Territories
區域:新界葵涌麗祖路1至5號||| 念祖街2及3號||| 榮祖街2至6號區
地區:新界葵涌麗祖路1至5號||| 念祖街2及3號||| 榮祖街2至6號
街道:新界葵涌麗祖路1至5號||| 念祖街2及3號||| 榮祖街2至6號
屋邨命名是紀念房協始創委員關祖堯爵士|||邨內設備完善,為全港首個設有游泳池的公共屋邨,更憑著優美的環境設計奪得建築設計獎項|||於1978年設立「松齡舍」,為長者提供獨立居住式房屋,共設有長者單位132個|||38樓高的啟敬樓於1981年落成,是當年全球最高之公共屋邨建築物|||前港督尤德夫人於1982年到屋邨探訪|||由於祖堯邨部分大樓依山而建,房協於2014年為該邨加建轉乘升降機大樓及行人天橋,方便居民出入。該工程於「2015年建築測量師大獎」中,榮獲「大型加建及改建及翻新工程」優勝獎, 周邊設施包括有停車場,青少年綜合服務中心,兒童遊樂場,弱智人士日間中心,年長者康樂室及會堂,街市攤檔,商舖,游泳池
Named after Sir Cho-yiu Kwan, one of the founding members of the Housing Society|||Being the first public housing estate built with a swimming pool, Cho Yiu Chuen was an award-winning estate for its aesthetic design|||The 39-storey Kai King Lau completed in 1981 was the world’s highest public housing building at that time|||Built in 1978, Chung Ning Sheh was the exclusive residence designed for the senior tenants with 132 elderly flats|||Lady Youde, wife of late Governor Sir Edward Youde, visited the estate in 1982|||As some blocks were built along the hillside, the Housing Society installed a transfer lift tower and footbridge in 2014 to enhance accessibility for the residents. The project was a winner in the ‘Major A&A and Renovation Works’ category of the Building Surveyor Awards 2015, surrounding facilities including Carparks,Children and Youth Integrated Service Centre,Children playground,Day activity centre for the mentally handicapped,Lounge for elderly,Market stalls,Shops,Swimming pool