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Hong Kong English Address:
Ming Wah Dai Ha 1-25 A Kung Ngam Road, Shaukeiwan, Hong Kong
明華大廈是以房協創辦委員何明華會督的中文名命名|||於1966年由前港督戴麟趾爵士主持牌匾揭幕儀式,典禮當日亦是何明華會督的退休日子|||A座部分單位早期曾用作為基層公務員宿舍|||於2006年進行復修工程,包括加裝大廈升降機、提升保安及電力系統、增設園林及遊樂設施等|||房協於2011年開始以「綜合重建模式」分3期重建明華大廈,第1期已於2021年竣工,提供966個出租單位。第2期重建項目的清拆工程經已展開。整個明華大廈重建工程預料將於2035年完成,屆時可提供3,919個單位,包括2,561個出租單位、750個資助出售房屋單位和608個「長者安居樂」單位,較原有屋邨提供多700個單位。, 周邊設施包括有籃球場,停車場,兒童遊樂場,年長者中心,幼稚園,圖書館,商舖
Named after Bishop Hall, founding member of the Housing Society|||Late Governor Sir David Trench officiated at the plaque unveiling ceremony in 1966 upon the retirement of Bishop Hall|||Some units in Block A were let to low-income civil servants as quarters in early years|||Rehabilitation was carried out in 2006 to add lifts to the buildings, upgrade security and power system, provide more garden landscape and recreational facilities etc|||The Housing Society commenced the redevelopment of Ming Wah Dai Ha by three phases according to the Integrated Redevelopment Model in 2011. The first phase was completed in 2021 to provide 966 rental units. Demolition works for the Phase II Redevelopment have commenced. The entire Ming Wah Dai Ha Redevelopment is expected to be completed by 2035, providing 3,919 flats in total — including 2,561 rental, 750 Subsidised Sale Flats and 608 Senior Citizen Residences Scheme units, adding an extra of 700 flats to the estate., surrounding facilities including Basketball court,Carparks,Children playground,Elderly centre,Kindergarten,Library,Shops